Dive in to leadership topics and timely advice:
Leadership Ministries provides curriculum for our Leadership Tables. The curriculum is designed to be simple, short, and easy to use, to minimize the amount of preparation required by the Table Leader.
When a sculptor completes his work in clay, he prepares to make a mold of the piece so he can recreate it. He’ll have to do something to his artistic work to make this happen, and that is to cut it apart.
Thomas Paine (1737-1809) was an English-born Founding Father of the United States. An inventor and philosopher, he authored Common Sense, a pamphlet that was influential at the start of the American Revolution.
As Jesus began teaching on earth, His words about leadership and leading were shocking. In fact, they were so at odds with religious leaders of the time, they believed Jesus could not possibly be the Savior they were hoping and waiting for.
There are a number of avenues to go deeper and explore a bible topic for leadership that might be specific to your table group. Is it okay for a table leader to deviate from what is provided? Yes, of course!
Aristotle (384-322 BC) was an ancient Greek philosopher. His writings cover a broad range of subjects spanning the natural sciences, philosophy, linguistics, economics, politics, psychology, and the arts.
A hack is a clever trick or shortcut for accomplishing something. There are hacks for smartphones and cooking and driving. What about in your leadership? Is being a good leader something that has hacks?
The key facet of leadership development—that is, investing in others for the purpose of seeing them exhibit excellence through their own lives and leadership—is “baked in” to New Testament teaching.
Here are some common questions we receive from table leaders, and some suggestions for how to maintain best practices and grow in life and leadership.
American politics is getting more intense and divisive by the day. The democratic tradition of debate and discourse, leading to compromise and unity, is all but gone in the US. Instead, we gather into tribes based on deeply held political beliefs, we deride the opposition.
Jesus and His disciples traveled and ministered together, day and night, for three years. We don’t know of all the meals they had together, the conversations as the walked from town to town, or what Jesus said when they fished, and started campfires, and woke up in the mornings.
William Whiting Borden (1887-1913) was an American philanthropist, millionaire and Christian missionary. Borden surrendered his life to Christ as a child as a result of the witness of his mother. Borden wrote three phrases in his Bible that defined his life: “No reserves. No retreats. No regrets.”
Dietrick Bonhoeffer (1906-1945) was a German pastor, theologian and anti-Nazi dissident. He was opposed to Hitler’s genocide of the Jews, and ran “underground seminaries” during the war. In 1943 he was imprisoned by the Gestapo. Bonhoeffer was executed in the spring of 1945.
The table is an amazing leadership development platform. Our time at a Friday Morning Men’s Fellowship table is designed around three key words and actions that will help you grow in relational leadership.
As a leader, you’re not over a what, but a who. To lead is to influence others in a way that helps them grow personally, professionally and spiritually. Leadership is fundamentally about influencing people.
When performance trumps people, an eclipse of leadership occurs. The leader himself overshadows the team. His priorities, ideas, thoughts, decisions, become the elements of first importance.
Charlemagne (747-814) united the majority of Western and Central Europe during the Middle Ages. People call him the “Father of Europe,” and the Pope made him the first Holy Roman Emperor.
When a C-suite staff member moves on or retires, it takes an average of four months, and can cost thousands of dollars, to find a replacement. Yet, 50-70% of all executive searches fail. They end with the new hire being unsuccessful and leaving the position.
Salvation through Christ is a gift of grace. Christ Himself is described as “full of grace” (John 1:14). A common definition of grace as used throughout the Bible is undeserved favor.
Charles Haddon Spurgeon (1834 – 1892) was an English pastor of the New Park Street Chapel (later renamed Metropolitan Tabernacle) in London for 38 years. He became known as the “Prince of Preachers” for his spellbinding sermons, which sometimes ran two hours or more.
What if you could know what God Himself was thinking? What if you were able to discern the very thoughts of God? How would that skill and divine knowledge benefit your life and leadership?
James Earl “Jimmy” Carter, Jr. (1924 - 2024) was an American politician and humanitarian who served as the 39th President of the United States. Though many believe his presidency a failure, his post-Oval Office years were nothing short of phenomenal.
Saint Nicholas of Myra (270-373) was an early Christian bishop from the city of Myra in Asia Minor during the time of the Roman Empire. That he loved children and was tremendously generous is widely accepted, and gave rise to the modern day tales of Santa Claus.
For clarity, consider each message in light of the question, “Is what I am about to say of benefit to the listener?” Even difficult statements are beneficial if they truly help the receiver, and are delivered with proper tone and context.
The Bible tells faith-centered leaders to live as optimists. This confidence is a spiritual character trait based on our trust in God. Joshua 1:9 promises, “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed...”
We must measure to lead. Self-examination is integral to leadership. A leader who is not looking inward to see progress and pitfalls will not grow outwardly in decisions, relationships and vision.
Some leaders see themselves as a steward of their position. Others want to claim a top position in business. Still others want to accomplish something specific. None of these purposes, however, outlast the leader himself.
In leadership we might go out on a limb, try something new, give an idea a season. But when the result isn’t what we wanted or hoped for, our minds turn to the idea that we “need to get back”. Back the basics. Back to reality. Back to normal.
There are aspects of the Father that go above our heads. Though we can’t possibly know all the ways of God, we can know, in a broad sense, how God’s ways are higher our ways.
Leadership is not a set of character traits. You can have integrity, honesty, initiative, compassion–any number of positive and godly personal values, and still not be a leader (though character and leadership are closely related).
God tells us about Himself through His names. The Bible records some 900 names and titles of God in total, There are about 30 names that are specific to Him alone.
Jesus and His disciples traveled and ministered together, day and night, for three years. We don’t know of all the meals they had together, the conversations as the walked from town to town, or what Jesus said when they fished, and started campfires, and woke up in the mornings.
“Character is who you are when no one else is looking.” It’s only when nobody else is watching—when you are alone, or when the social media cameras aren’t pointing at you—that you reveal who you are deep down.
Scripture tells us “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the sons of God” (Matthew 5:9). A peacemaker is one who helps reconcile parties who disagree. Spiritually a peacemaker is one who leads others to reconcile with God and with one another.
On Memorial Day we remember and honor the sacrifices of those who gave their last full measure of devotion to their country. Consider the people-centered lesson we can learn as leaders from those who serve (or have served) in a branch of the armed forces.
Patience is the recognition that things of value take time. One doesn’t become successful, or paint a masterpiece, or build a close-knit family, overnight. The response to the need for patience is persistence.
Moses, Joshua, David, Solomon, Daniel, Isaiah, John, Paul, Timothy, Jesus… does the Bible, through its primary characters and events, give us examples of leaders, or does it actually teach leadership skills and principles?
Undoubtedly we are more connected than ever before through electronic means. Yet our collective ability to navigate difficult conversations, especially conflict, is terrible. Perhaps our connections have become echo-chambers for groupthink.
Apple CEO Steve Jobs was one of the pioneers in the personal computer revolution of the 1970s and 1980s and the smart phone revolution of the 2000s.
Live and lead long enough and you realize that some people are a few nuts short of a fruit cake. So how exactly do you deal with person who drives you and everyone else a little crazy?
Fred McFeely Rogers (1928 – 2003) was an American television host, author, producer and Presbyterian minister. He was the creator, showrunner, and host of the preschool television series Mister Rogers' Neighborhood, which ran from 1968 to 2001.
As a leader, mastering forgiveness is a powerful tool for teambuilding. Can you forgive mistakes and continue to engage without judgment, despite offense or negative outcomes?
“Be yourself,” we often hear as advice from distinctive individuals who are themselves. What does it mean to be yourself, and how does this make you a person not only of genuine personality, but of real and lasting impact?
Your values characterize who you are individually. They shape how you set goals, make decisions, plan for today and the future, and respond to circumstances.
How does one know “the right thing” to do in any given situation? Is there always at least one “right thing”? And does doing “right” mean we always look for the good of others, or the common good, or in some cases to our own good?
“Do not be discouraged” is not just a motivational verse in Scripture, it is a command to recognize and deal with discouragement and depression in your life.
The lighthouse off Brittany, France, stands strong in the storms. In our cultural storm, is standing firm enough to resist the waves of decline?
Throughout the Bible we see God using the work of man to provide for man as well as to complete those things which God Himself ordains to be done
Though I am imperfect in many respects, I wish my brothers and kinsfolk to know what sort of man I am, so that they may be able to conceive of my soul’s desire.
The Bible is the world’s best-selling book. It contains history, poetry, prophecy, woven in a profound narrative of the world from creation to present. And it is the foundational book on leadership.
On the surface the story of Job may seem a cruel game. A faithful man, he suffers greatly, questions God, and receives God’s pointed response. How should we lead when faced with trials and difficulty?
We must measure to lead. Self-examination is integral to leadership. A leader who is not looking inward to see progress and pitfalls will not grow outwardly in decisions, relationships and vision.
In a nation formed specifically to provide freedom of religion to its citizens, something interesting has happened. Religious involvement in the US is at an all-time low. Replacing religion in their lives is political and social activism.
Fulfillment is the happiness or satisfaction that comes from developing one’s own abilities or character. A leader who knows his talents and skills are being put to good use and that he is growing personally and professionally has the mindset that he is stewarding his life well.
A Christian, first and foremost, should lead a life of holiness. To be holy means to be set apart for God.
Sadly, on occasion we see prominent Christian leaders explode in spectacular failure. Prominent pastors of large and influential churches have resigned their roles in disgrace—this goes all the way back to the 1980s televangelist era all the way up to today.
The idea of learning from someone more experienced than you, and then living that out by passing it on to the next generation, is the crux of mentoring. Having a mentor will greatly enhance your life and leadership.
In some locations around the world, it would be dangerous, even deadly, to acknowledge that you are a Christ-follower. Faith-centered leadership has become increasingly risky.
A happy marriage is a combination of little, daily moments, thoughts and actions that result in a healthy, growing relationship.
God’s faithfulness is His reliability in doing what He has promised. In other words, we can count on God. In life and work filled with anxiety, disappointment, temptation, crisis, frustrations, hate, failure and adversity, we serve a God that we can rely on.
How To Use Our Table Curriculum
Leadership Reproduction
Leadership Lessons from E.M. Bounds
If Jesus Ran My Company
The Ghost of Christmas Past
Leadership Lessons from Thomas Paine
Modeling Servant Leadership
Repairing Relationships
Leadership Lessons from Ron Popeil
When You’ve Had a Bad Day
The Suffering of Job
Three Secrets of Time Management
Success Is No Name of God
I Will Make You
Leading in the Fourth Quarter
Going Deeper at the Table
Relationships Are Eternal
Leadership Lessons from Aristotle
The Leader and the Prophets
Love Your Enemies
A Leader May Be Disliked
Can Leadership Be Hacked?
Three Leadership Habits to Start
JULY 2024
Friday Table Q&A
How to Win at Politics
The Fallacy of Woke Leadership
Leadership Lessons from King Tutankhamen
JUNE 2024
Why Bots Can’t Lead
Jesus and Influential Leadership
Untwisting Unconditional Love
Leadership Lessons from William Borden
MAY 2024
Leadership Lessons from Dietrick Bonhoeffer
Lear, Live, Lead
Faith and Money… More or Less
A Man Who Walks with God
APRIL 2024
How to Cold Call Successfully 100% of the Time
What Happens When Nobody Is Watching?
Understanding Relational Leadership
What’s On Your Plate?
MARCH 2024
A Total Eclipse of the Leader
How to Stop Quitting
Leadership Lessons from Charlemagne
Why Do Many Executive Searches Fail?
How Should Leaders Pray for Their People?
Full of Grace
Leadership Lessons from Charles Spurgeon
Drowning in Debt
What Is God Thinking?
Overcoming Anxiety
Leadership Lessons from Jimmy Carter
The Greatest Sales Book of All Time
10 Choices for a New Year
Leadership Lessons from Saint Nicholas
How to Communicate with Clarity
Be of Good Cheer
Marks on the Wall
The Danger of Spiritual Tangents
Lead to What End?
Returning to Godly Leadership
Leadership Lessons from Nick Saban
Stop Compaining
The High Ways of God
Good Leaders and Gossip
Leading Through the Unknown Unknowns
How Leaders Can Trust God
Leadership Lessons from Beethoven
August 2023
How Kindness Can Revolutionize Your Leadership
Developing a Good Work Ethic
Four Ways to Invest in People Today
What is Christian Leadership
July 2023
Be Rich in Good Deeds
Leadership Lessons from Elvis Presley
How to Be a Positive Leader
Freedom from Faith?
June 2023
Are Leaders the Product of Their Environment?
Jesus Summarizes Christian Leadership
Leadership Lessons from Tim Berners-Lee
The Importance of Deliverables
May 2023
Everything, Except For
Does Loyalty Matter?
The Lies We Believe
Leadership Lessons from Howard Schultz
April 2023
Leadership Lessons from Socrates
Wokeness and Faith-Centered Leadership
Why Generosity Is Essential to Leadership
The Solution To Being Unfulfilled
March 2023
How to Grasp Future Opportunities
Leadership Lessons from Pablo Picasso
5 Ways to Lead Through Social Media
3 Truths of Godly Leadership
February 2023
Is there a Christian Position on Artificial Intelligence?
8 Ways to Be More Optimistic
Valuing People Virtually
Leadership Lessons from Neil Armstrong
January 2023
Leadership Lessons from Michelangelo
The Tent of Meeting
Leadership Lessons From Ramesses II
The Opportunity of Failure
December 2022
A Priority of Peacemaking
Choosing Your Course
The Secret to My Success
The Danger of Checking Out
November 2022
Leadership Lessons from Nicola Tesla
To Whom Honor Is Due
Leadership Involves Risk
Are Some Leaders Evil?
October 2022
Are There Happy Endings?
Leadership Lessons from Richard Branson
Should You Favor In-Person Work?
How Wise Leaders Use Their Time
September 2022
The Eye of the Storm
Inspiring People
Leadership Lessons from John F. Kennedy
Research Shows
August 2022
Dealing with Rejection
Managing Effectively
Leadership Lessons from Julius Caesar
Achieving Success
July 2022
Strategic Thinking
When You've Had It
Leadership Lessons from Billy Graham
Why Persistence Matters
June 2022
Free to Lead
A Few Good Men
Extinguishing Burnout
On Day One
May 2022
The Cost of Leadership
How to Make the Decisions That Others Can’t
Lead Like Mom
Leadership Lessons from George Washington
April 2022
Not Ashamed
Leadership and Easter
Leadership Lessons from Thomas Edison
8 Paths to Be More Productive
March 2022
The Leader and Spring
Leadership Lessons from Saint Patrick
Leadership Lessons from “Sully” Sullenberger
Leading Under Pressure
February 2022
Responding to International Crisis
Think Clearly
What Stops You From Starting?
Keep a Leadership Journal
January 2022
22 Rules for Leaders
Gaining Direction for Life
Keys to Improving Leader Accountability
Guard Your Treasure
December 2021
Leading In the New Year
How to Let Go of the Past
10 Vaccines for the Disease of More
Leadership Lessons from Abraham Lincoln
November 2021
What Does It Mean to Be Offended?
Leading with Gratitude
How to Get Happy
Leadership and Election Day
October 2021
Leadership Lessons from Jeff Bezos
Developing an Impact Statement
5 Means to Overcome Feelings That Are Ruling Your Life
The Discipline of Patience
September 2021
Carpe Diem
Fail Forward
5 Toxic Habits You Should Quit Right Now
Leadership Lessons from Walt Disney
August 2021
The Value of a Mentor
Leadership Lessons from Nelson Mandela
Leading Through Prayer
Turn Off the News
July 2021
Leadership Lessons from Winston Churchill
Leadership Lessons on the Golf Course
Crisis of the Unmentored
Honing Your Focus
June 2021
Leadership Lessons from Thomas Jefferson
You Don't Have to Be Superman
The Role of Manhood
What Is Hell, and Are We There Yet?
May 2021
Six Leadership Lessons from Atlanta Traffic
Leadership Lessons from Henry Ford
The Closed Door
Why Porn Is Bad For You
April 2021
Don’t Take It Personally
Where the Bible Teaches Leadership
How to Make Good Decisions
Leadership Lessons from Warren Buffett
March 2021
Four Things to Pray About at Work
Navigating Difficult Conversations
Only Two Ways to Look at the Universe
Leadership Lessons from Steve Jobs
February 2021
The Biblical Secret of Retirement
Things Kids Learn From Dad
Clarity of Purpose
Leadership Lessons from Bob Iger
January 2021
How To Listen to God
When To Say No
Building a Lasting Vision
Leadership Lessons from Jack Welch
December 2020
Keep It Simple
Inflection Point
Leadership Lessons from Elon Musk
Encouragement Empowers Leadership
November 2020
Leadership Lessons from Hyman Rickover
How to Connect with People
A Daily Investment in Leadership
How God Chooses Leaders
Men Have Everything to Fear
Conversations for Leadership Growth
Leadership Lessons from Christopher Columbus
A Treasure for Leadership
September 2020
Remain Calm
Leadership Lessons from Dwight D. Eisenhower
Recharging for Leadership
The Coyote and the Cliff
August 2020
Leadership Lessons from Benjamin Franklin
Leadership Starts at a Table
Leadership Lessons from the Tower of Babel
How to Listen
July 2020
Bridging the Political Divide
Starting a Table
Leadership Lessons from Truett Cathy
Having An Opinion of Value
June 2020
The Wisdom of Experience
5 Responses to the Nut in Your Office
Leadership Lessons from Bill Gates
Building Emotional Intelligence
April 2020
Is it Worth the Risk?
Choosing to Change
Leadership Lessons from Niels Bohr
5 Forks on the Road to Success
March 2020
How To Become an Influencer
Dealing With Uncertainty
Leadership Lessons from Teddy Roosevelt
February 2020
Should Anyone Be Led by You?
Discussion at the Table
Leadership Lessons from Mr. Rogers
Passion or Paycheck
January 2020
Leadership Lessons from Charles de Gaulle
How to Be a Christian Salesman
Overcoming the Stresses of Leadership
Leading a Table
December 2019
Leadership Lessons from Hammurabi
10 Ways to Have a Better Conversation
Jesus Wants You to Engage Toxic People
Leadership and Christmas Deer
November 2019
Leadership Lessons from Leonardo da Vinci
4 Steps to Maintain Health in Leadership
How to Pray When Looking for Work
Leaders Forgive
October 2019
All the Things We Don't Know
When God Shuts You Down
How to Be Fearless
Healthy Conflict
September 2019
Leadership Lessons from Alexander the Great
Comparison Stunts Personal Development
Who Is Seated at Your Table?
Dealing with Tragic Loss
August 2019
The Importance of Disconnection
How To Be Yourself
What About Biblical Accountability?
Leadership Lessons from Mahatma Gandhi
July 2019
The Overview Effect
Leadership Lessons from Alan Mulally
The Secret to Becoming a Great Leader
Tables in the Bible
June 2019
Leadership Lessons from Scott Harrison
Why Christian Leaders Crash and Burn
Determining Your Values
Don't Forget to Have Fun
May 2019
10 Things That Eat Time
Leadership Lessons from Herb Kelleher
Five Steps to Stellar Execution
You're Fired!
April 2019
How to Find a Mentor
What Is the Right Thing to Do?
Developing Talent
Leadership Lessons from Albert Einstein
March 2019
Dive Into the Present
Leadership Fortune Cookies
Give It Away
Leadership Lessons from Tom Brady
February 2019
The Leadership Supply Chain
20 Ways to Reduce Stress
Man in the Mirror
January 2019
Changing Course
Leadership Lessons from Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Do Not Be Discouraged
Is Resisting Moral Decline Enough?
December 2018
The First Thing
How to Start Something
Wired to Inspire
The God of Perfect Timing
November 2018
What To Do with Thanksgiving?
Seven Ways to Say Thanks
Sitting in the Fish
To Tell The Truth
Men Have Nothing to Fear
Leadership Lessons from Johannes Gutenberg
Six Things Jesus Never Said
Wrangling a Table
The Origin of Moral Leadership
Leadership Lessons from Louis Pasteur
When Do You Become a Man?
Can You Faithfully Lead Under the Radar?
August 2018
Leadership Lessons from Garrett Morgan
Living In Disagreement
Growing a Table
Leading Not Into Temptation
July 2018
Is God a Capitalist?
It's Not Just Business
The Confession of Saint Patrick
Why Aren't You Happy?
June 2018
What Is Your Legacy?
Leadership and the Bible
Leadership Lessons from Alexander Graham Bell
May 2018
Show Your Wife Love
A Fast Quickens the Spirit
Be Sure About Jesus
How to Have More Margin
April 2018
When You Face Defeat
The Price of Resolve
Alone Out in Front
Stacking Stones: Remembering God's Faithfulness
Leadership is not a set of character traits. You can have integrity, honesty, initiative, compassion–any number of positive and godly personal values, and still not be a leader (though character and leadership are closely related).