For 40+ years, we have equipped men to lead in marriage, home and the workplace. Real leadership has biblical faith as a foundation, and strong mentoring relationships to guide the way. We offer two avenues for leadership growth. Our website contains hundreds of free resources you can begin using right now, and a membership for even more tools. And our in-person Friday Morning Men’s Fellowships give opportunities to connect in-person to area leaders to learn and grow.


Here are five principles of leadership that you must to know for a successful leadership journey. They come from the Bible, and once you understand them, you can hone your leadership skills to become a confident, wise and successful leader in every facet of life and work. We will email these principles, along with resources to help you put each one into practice. There’s no cost or catch. Request your copy now and you’ll receive the first one in moments. You can opt out at any time.


We are investing in you as a leader because we believe that grounded, faith-centered leaders are desperately needed for our country and culture. This kind of leadership isn’t built with books and seminars. It’s built one person at a time, through the traditions of listening, learning and shared experience. We invite you to partner with us in your leadership journey. Our prayer is that you will become a leader in your marriage, home and workplace that will impact the lives in your sphere of influence toward Jesus Christ—the greatest Leader of all.