STep 1: Invite 4-5 men

Invite 4-5 men in your circle of influence to join you at a table on Friday mornings. The goal of your table is to meet and talk about life and leadership from the Bible. The invite is simple: “Meet me on Friday morning!” More in inviting…


A restaurant that serves breakfast works best. We recommend Friday mornings because it’s the most flexible day of the week for working men. More on your table…


Choose a discussion series and use our convenient and free guides. Open a Bible and watch the lessons for life and leadership jump off the page as you interact with your table group. More on having great discussions…

Click here for available discussion series.


You can begin a leadership table in your area. We’ll provide additional teaching and organizational resources to get you started. You’ll find hundreds of leadership talks and lessons on our website. They contain practical leadership lessons you can talk through and apply to your life and work. Complete the interest form below, and a team member will connect with you to answer questions and help you get started.


When four men gathered for breakfast on a Friday morning, they determined to learn how to lead more effectively. The Bible is the best source for leadership lessons, with faith as the foundation. The Friday meetings began to include a short leadership talk, followed by time around the table. One table grew to several, and then dozens. A small corner booth became a fellowship that eventually took up the whole restaurant.

Small groups of men at tables are comfortable enough to open up. Older men share wisdom and experience with the younger. Friendships deepen. Year by year, men were expanding in their faith and in their capacity to lead. Stories multipled. One man whose life was truly changed. Then another. Then scores. They had found a group of men that really meant something. A group that was authentic, self-sacrificing, willing to help. Always honest. Real.

One Friday Morning Men’s Fellowship grew to many. Through 40 years, the theme has never changed. We are still equipping men to lead in marriage, in the home, in the workplace, and community.