In 1845, the US Congress passed a law designating the first Tuesday following the first Monday in November as Election Day. Until that point, individual US states could hold elections within a month-long window. Why November? Remember, 180 years ago most people worked on farms and didn’t live near a polling place. Many had a travel a day to vote. Weekends were out—the majority people went to church on Sundays. Wednesdays were market days for farmers. That left Tuesday as the most convenient weekday.[1]
Imagine what those voters, who traveled a day to vote, then went back to their farms, would think of today’s election cycle. Aren’t you tired of the endless bombardment of election ads in every form of media? And then the talking head cycles on every news channel? Or the poll numbers—up and down like a roller coaster each day. And finally those relentless fundraisers—the big dinner ticket that will be double-matched if you just give $1,000, or the constant emails asking for just $5 more? No matter who you choose, as a voter you likely look at Election Day as a relief. Win or lose, finally, it’s over! Oops—forgot about the runoffs…
As a Christ-centered leader, what can you do to be a positive influence on Election Day?
Pray for leaders. There is simply no better way to be involved in citizen politics than to pray for your leaders. Keep a list of national, state and local leaders and remember them in prayer each week. 1 Timothy 2:1-4 instructs, “I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people—for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. This is good, and pleases God our Savior, who wants all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth.” Prayer for leaders is an effective way to be a political and spiritual influence. When you pray, ask God to:
• Infuse leaders with biblical wisdom to make good decisions
• Surround leaders with Christ-centered influencers to sway them toward godly opinions
• Grow them spiritually through their daily Bible and prayer disciplines
• Snarl political and social plans they may have that go against God’s teachings
Have open ears and a kind heart. Perhaps the most difficult instructions of Jesus to follow in our current culture are those regarding unity. Jesus clearly wanted us to work together. Yet politically we are more divided than ever. Gone is the nuance of various views, and the attitude of negotiation and compromise. It’s all or nothing. In this polarized environment, a mind that actively listens to others in order to understand them, then responds to abrasiveness with kindness, is effective in demonstrating unity. In our current divide, the only means by which unity will be achieved is that some will have it as their goal and stive toward it, versus other social and political aspirations.
Remember, win or lose… Christians often say of elections, “No matter who wins, God is still on the throne.” It’s a reminder that there is a bigger Person and plan than anything an election can result in. However, we often act and live like this isn’t true. When our preferred candidate loses, we become angry or bitter. When our preferred candidate wins, we gloat and shower our political enemies with prideful mockery. As leaders it is paramount that our politics not overshadow our faith in life and work. Sometimes we want to connect these because of certain issues or candidates to which we attach a moral imperative. But this is dangerous thinking.
God already knows who will win every election. No poll result is a surprise to Him. Because we are fortunate to live in a democracy we might believe that we can influence our government toward Christ—and that may be true to some extent. However our most effective means of influence no matter who is in charge or what laws are enforced is to live out our faith daily, with our family, our neighbors, our coworkers. Elections may not go our way, but God is indeed faithful. Elections may go in our favor, but God’s mission does not change or diminish because of it. We should participate in our democracy but keep in steady hand on our emotions.
And don’t forget to vote. The 2020 Presidential election had 66.8% turnout, which was touted as the highest of the 21st Century. But that means a third of eligible voters didn’t cast a ballot. The fact is, the US ranks among the bottom of democracies with respect to election turnout. The US turnout was highest in the 1800s, usually around 80%. And if you think some modern elections are close, consider the 1884 Presidential election was decided by less than 1,000 votes. Then and now, casting your vote matters!
As a leader, set the example in your voting. Go early and wear your “I voted” sticker to work. Encourage others in your circle of influence to vote, and if they work for you, encourage them to take time during the workday if possible to do so.
Leadership Ministries provides curriculum for our Leadership Tables. The curriculum is designed to be simple, short, and easy to use, to minimize the amount of preparation required by the Table Leader.