
The Fallacy of Woke Leadership

The Fallacy of Woke Leadership

One issue Christians have in responding to “woke” leadership is that some of it sounds vaguely like what Jesus would do. After all, Jesus did ransack the temple once, turning over the tables of money changers and railing against the religious profiteers of the time.

What Happens When Nobody Is Watching?

What Happens When Nobody Is Watching?

“Character is who you are when no one else is looking.” It’s only when nobody else is watching—when you are alone, or when the social media cameras aren’t pointing at you—that you reveal who you are deep down.

5 Ways to Lead Through Social Media

5 Ways to Lead Through Social Media

In 1 Thessalonians 5:11 we are instructed, “Therefore encourage one another and build each other up.”As a faith-centered leader, consider how social media may allow you to be a spiritual influence within your circle of family, friends and coworkers.