Are you ready for a new level of wealth your life? Here’s the fine print: results aren’t typical. In fact, they’re entirely made up. The Internet is filled with schemes that promise to take you to easy street, but they never do.
What does wealth mean to you? Do you desire bank-fulls of Benjamins, a big house and summers on the French Riveria? Those are the result of years of hard work, sacrifice, risk and tough decisions aimed at the singular focus of making lots of money. But here’s the thing—that’s actually not real wealth. You may be on this web page because you’re one of thousands who are grasping at anything that might give you an elevator ride to the top. We can’t make you rich in a week. But we share what real wealth is and how to attain it. You’ll know the truth when you study the Bible’s teachings on wealth.
We invite you to take a one-week journey to Real Wealth with us. Each day we will send an email lesson—one immediately after you sign up, and then one following each morning for the next five days. You’ll open God’s Word to discover where wealth is found, and how you can experience the wealth of God in your own life. We cannot promise this will result in a bigger bank account. But we can tell you that after this week, spiritually you will be able to experience wealth beyond what you ever imagined.
We are investing in you as a leader because we believe that grounded, faith-centered leaders are desperately needed for our country and culture. This kind of leadership isn’t built with books and seminars. It’s built one person at a time, through the traditions of listening, learning and shared experience. We invite you to partner with us in your leadership journey. Our prayer is that you will become a leader in your marriage, home and workplace that will impact the lives in your sphere of influence toward Jesus Christ—the greatest Leader of all.
On the surface the story of Job may seem a cruel game. A faithful man, he suffers greatly, questions God, and receives God’s pointed response. How should we lead when faced with trials and difficulty?