One Week to The Good Fight

The Apostle Paul writes the last letter he will pen that is included in the Bible, and summarizes his time on earth. Among his final words are: “I have fought the good fight…” (2 Timothy 4:7). He characterizes the life of a Christ-follower on earth as a fight. It’s a reminder that if we are following Jesus and doing His work, all will not be easy, and not everyone will be agreeable. We will make enemies, face persecution and have to make tough choices.


In another of Paul’s letters, he writes about six tools for “fighting the good fight”, You can learn about these tools and use them as a leader on a daily basis. In this one-week journey through Scripture, you will learn how to “fight the good fight” utilizing these six powerful items of spiritual significance. Every follower of Jesus has these at their ready disposal. Whatever the good fight that causes personal and spiritual struggle in your life, family, or leadership, you will be equipped to give it your all.


Sign up below and you’ll get a new tool each day via email, starting today and for the following five days. With each brief lesson, you will explore Scripture, and receive study suggestions and practical how-tos that you can implement immediately. By the end of the week, you will know the basics you need to “fight the good fight”.


We are investing in you as a leader because we believe that grounded, faith-centered leaders are desperately needed for our country and culture. This kind of leadership isn’t built with books and seminars. It’s built one person at a time, through the traditions of listening, learning and shared experience. We invite you to partner with us in your leadership journey. Our prayer is that you will become a leader in your marriage, home and workplace that will impact the lives in your sphere of influence toward Jesus Christ—the greatest Leader of all.