
Can Leadership Be Hacked?

Can Leadership Be Hacked?

A hack is a clever trick or shortcut for accomplishing something. There are hacks for smartphones and cooking and driving. What about in your leadership? Is being a good leader something that has hacks?

How to Win at Politics

How to Win at Politics

American politics is getting more intense and divisive by the day. The democratic tradition of debate and discourse, leading to compromise and unity, is all but gone in the US. Instead, we gather into tribes based on deeply held political beliefs, we deride the opposition.

The Fallacy of Woke Leadership

The Fallacy of Woke Leadership

One issue Christians have in responding to “woke” leadership is that some of it sounds vaguely like what Jesus would do. After all, Jesus did ransack the temple once, turning over the tables of money changers and railing against the religious profiteers of the time.