Walt Disney (1901 – 1966) was an American entrepreneur, film producer, animator and inventor. He holds the record for the most Academy Awards, earning 22 Oscars and 59 nominations.
Jesus does not sit on the sideline of our life, ready to come in to give His take on our challenges. He’s not there to tell us how great we are, and that if we try hard enough, and just believe in ourselves, we can win.
George Herman “Babe” Ruth (1895 – 1948) was a professional baseball player whose career spanned 22 seasons. He’s one of the greatest heroes in American culture and considered the greatest baseball player of all time.
Leadership is not a set of character traits. You can have integrity, honesty, initiative, compassion–any number of positive and godly personal values, and still not be a leader (though character and leadership are closely related).
How do you look at the world? Some see the problems first, while others see the opportunities. Scripture instructs that Christ-followers are to go through life as optimists.