Leadership Lessons from Charlemagne

Leadership Lessons from Charlemagne

Charlemagne (747-814) united the majority of Western and Central Europe during the Middle Ages. People call him the “Father of Europe,” and the Pope made him the first Holy Roman Emperor.

Leadership Lessons from Charles Spurgeon

Leadership Lessons from Charles Spurgeon

Charles Haddon Spurgeon (1834 – 1892) was an English pastor of the New Park Street Chapel (later renamed Metropolitan Tabernacle) in London for 38 years. He became known as the “Prince of Preachers” for his spellbinding sermons, which sometimes ran two hours or more.

Leadership Lessons from Jimmy Carter

Leadership Lessons from Jimmy Carter

James Earl “Jimmy” Carter, Jr. (1924 - ) is an American politician and humanitarian who served as the 39th President of the United States. Though many believe his presidency a failure, his post-Oval Office years have been nothing short of phenomenal.

Leadership Lessons from Saint Nicholas

Leadership Lessons from Saint Nicholas

Saint Nicholas of Myra (270-373) was an early Christian bishop from the city of Myra in Asia Minor during the time of the Roman Empire. That he loved children and was tremendously generous is widely accepted, and gave rise to the modern day tales of Santa Claus.