What will you do of significance with the 80-or-so years you have? When we’re young we have all the time in the world. And once we realize that isn’t true, we never have enough left to do anything with it.
When a sculptor completes his work in clay, he prepares to make a mold of the piece so he can recreate it. He’ll have to do something to his artistic work to make this happen, and that is to cut it apart.
A dented car is much like a dented relationship. Sometimes the interactions with those around us get broken, and are in need of repair.
As Jesus began His ministry on earth, He called a dozen men to be His disciples. We can learn about Jesus’ methodologies from His uniquely worded invitation.
A 65-year-old leader will never have more experience than he has in his fourth quarter. He will have more knowledge than he has ever had.
There’s nothing wrong with being likeable and agreeable as a leader—but to a point. Likeability is not universal. No matter how focused a leader is on building relationships, exhibiting empathy and listening well, he will not be universally liked.
A hack is a clever trick or shortcut for accomplishing something. There are hacks for smartphones and cooking and driving. What about in your leadership? Is being a good leader something that has hacks?
Here are some common questions we receive from table leaders, and some suggestions for how to maintain best practices and grow in life and leadership.
American politics is getting more intense and divisive by the day. The democratic tradition of debate and discourse, leading to compromise and unity, is all but gone in the US. Instead, we gather into tribes based on deeply held political beliefs, we deride the opposition.
A bot is an automated software application which can perform repetitive and interactive tasks that people don’t like to do—like making phone calls, taking orders, and collecting information. What are the limits of AI bots, and why is a leader’s interaction more important and many cases?
Jesus and His disciples traveled and ministered together, day and night, for three years. We don’t know of all the meals they had together, the conversations as the walked from town to town, or what Jesus said when they fished, and started campfires, and woke up in the mornings.
“Character is who you are when no one else is looking.” It’s only when nobody else is watching—when you are alone, or when the social media cameras aren’t pointing at you—that you reveal who you are deep down.
As a leader, you’re not over a what, but a who. To lead is to influence others in a way that helps them grow personally, professionally and spiritually. Leadership is fundamentally about influencing people.
Let’s face it, we all want to quit sometimes. In the midst of misery, despair, depression, failure, pain, surprise, problems, emergencies—we are all tempted to throw in the towel.
Anxiety most often grows from lack of knowledge and/or control. It’s easy to be afraid of that which we don’t understand, or can’t foresee. The Bible addresses anxiety directly. We find at least three spiritual resources we can use to overcome anxiety in life and work.
Some leaders see themselves as a steward of their position. Others want to claim a top position in business. Still others want to accomplish something specific. None of these purposes, however, outlast the leader himself.
Nicholas Lou Saban, Jr. is an American football coach, most known for his 17 years as Head Coach at the University of Alabama. He is widely considered one of the greatest college coaches of all time.
We complain constantly, at home and at work. This spills over in our culture, which is consumed by victimhood. In social media, the news media, education, government and business, we are on the lookout for every tiny hint of present and historical unfairness.
One of the greatest investments you can make as a leader will not be found in a stock selection, or emerging technologies, or foreign markets. A leader’s most powerful commodity is his relationships with people.
Once a person surrenders their life to Christ, faith and leadership cannot be separated. It is “baked in”. The difference in Christian leadership is that faith takes point for the leader.
Is there a summary for us of the Christian faith? Is there a simple statement that a leader can read that brings all of what we believe as Christ-followers into focus? Jesus Himself summarized the teachings of God in a few words.
In the US, the average person will have 10 different jobs before they retire, spending about 2-3 years at each, at most. This idea of a strong support or allegiance to an employer has largely faded. In today’s culture, does loyalty even matter?
Life and work at some level are to be about reaching, striving, pushing forward. God did not put us on the earth to do nothing with our lives. Yet that is exactly what many men are doing in our culture.
An alarming trend is younger workers checking out. Whether from burnout, mental health issues, boredom or self-isolation, more and more workers and leaders and disengaging. What does the Bible say about it?
The venerable 747 jetliner is ending. The last one has been assembled. Leaders have a tendency to believe that once something starts, it will continue in perpetuity for all time to come. But it just isn’t so.
The pandemic artificially forced everyone to isolate as much as possible from non-family members. Many went from a situation that was forced to one which was favored. What about post-pandemic?
There is great wisdom in the profitable use of time. For a leader, this takes a certain amount of discipline, and a purposeful desire to use his days for positive and impactful tasks and relationships.
When we celebrate on July 4 now, 245 years and as many political reinterpretations later, it begs the question, “What freedom are we celebrating?” Christ brings us a clear and meaningful definition of freedom that transcends our July 4 celebration.
The selfless, brave, serving, chivalrous and kind men we aspired to be growing up have been largely replaced by a generation more self-involved, fragile and less grounded to an internal moral code. What happened?
Jesus does not sit on the sideline of our life, ready to come in to give His take on our challenges. He’s not there to tell us how great we are, and that if we try hard enough, and just believe in ourselves, we can win.