Leadership Lessons from Thomas Paine

Leadership Lessons from Thomas Paine

Thomas Paine (1737-1809) was an English-born Founding Father of the United States. An inventor and philosopher, he authored Common Sense, a pamphlet that was influential at the start of the American Revolution.

Modeling Servant Leadership

Modeling Servant Leadership

As Jesus began teaching on earth, His words about leadership and leading were shocking. In fact, they were so at odds with religious leaders of the time, they believed Jesus could not possibly be the Savior they were hoping and waiting for.

Leadership Lessons from Ron Popeil

Leadership Lessons from Ron Popeil

Ronald Martin Popeil (1935-2021) was an American inventor and marketing personality. His TV infomercials became an overnight staple, and earned him more than $2 billion in sales during his 40-year run. His coined the marketing catchphrase “But wait… there’s more!”