Mark Maynard serves as President of Leadership Ministries and Leadership Development Company. He is married to Renée, father of six, and a grandfather of 15. For thirty-five years he has led sales and development teams in the US and Africa. As National Sales Training Manager at Minolta USA, he led a team that was responsible for the training and development of 4,000 US based sales and management professionals. His team earned four consecutive Presidents Club Awards for their contribution to the achievement of company goals. Mark is the founder of The How Far Foundation and howFar Ministries, a faith-based, non-profit serving marginalized people groups in sub-Saharan Africa. He is an avid adventurer, having hiked the Great Wall of China, summited Kilimanjaro, driven across the Serengeti, and shot the rapids of the Nile River. Mark is committed to helping others live a Christ-centered life.
On the surface the story of Job may seem a cruel game. A faithful man, he suffers greatly, questions God, and receives God’s pointed response. How should we lead when faced with trials and difficulty?
Every leader has an equal amount of one resource—time. How we plan and spend our hours and days can lead us to success or failure. Do you have a strategy for managing your time?
There are a number of avenues to go deeper and explore a bible topic for leadership that might be specific to your table group. Is it okay for a table leader to deviate from what is provided? Yes, of course!
One trait we often look for in leaders is the ability to multitask. Smart, capable leaders can handle multiple tasks, priorities and decisions at once, right? No, actually, that’s wrong. There is a limit to the number of things any leaders can process at once.
Nicholas Lou Saban, Jr. is an American football coach, most known for his 17 years as Head Coach at the University of Alabama. He is widely considered one of the greatest college coaches of all time.
Ludwig van Beethoven (1770 – 1827) was a German composer and pianist. He is among the most admired classical composers in history, and the melodies of his great symphonies and sonatas are recognized around the world.
What is really expected of someone in terms of worth ethic? The Bible speaks of our work from the Old to the New Testament. Proverbs 14:23 says, “In all toil there is profit, but mere talk tends only to poverty.”
In the leader’s search for God’s will for their life and work, it is always more tempting to do everything, except for those things God has already told us to do. Don’t allow pride in your own purpose blind you to the common will of God.
An alarming trend is younger workers checking out. Whether from burnout, mental health issues, boredom or self-isolation, more and more workers and leaders and disengaging. What does the Bible say about it?
Sir Richard Branson is a British entrepreneur and business magnate. He is the founder of Virgin Group, which is a cadre of more than 400 companies including an airline, cruise line, retail empire and space tourism concern.
The pandemic artificially forced everyone to isolate as much as possible from non-family members. Many went from a situation that was forced to one which was favored. What about post-pandemic?
What does it take to be a good manager? While leadership is most often associated with guidance or direction, management is identified as the process of dealing with things or people. Management is the day to day, where the rubber meets the road.
Every month between 2% and 3% of all workers quit their jobs. But here’s something interesting. A recent survey revealed that 78% of young workers say they regretted their new job after starting. Are they quitting for the right reasons?
Is this Day One in a new role? Whatever the course that brought you to this point, a great question to ask of yourself today is, “How can I make the most of this job?”
An eccentric 80-year-old man hid a box somewhere in the Rocky Mountains. Inside was 40 pounds of gold and jewels worth over a million dollars. The hunt was on. The treasure was real.
These five habits can be truly toxic, robbing you of your best effort, undermining your decisions, clouding your vision and distracting you from reaching your goals.
Henry Ford (1863-1947) was founder of the Ford Motor Company. He is best known as the chief developer of the assembly line system of mass production.
We overlook the promises God makes with prayer. God says that He hears our prayers. God says that He answers and acts based on our prayers. Prayer indeed is a powerful and personal tool for a faith-centered leader.
Alexander Smith said “Christmas is the day that holds all time together.” The past, present and future all come together in one amazing, glorious, celebratory experience.
Samuel Truett Cathy (1921-2014) was an American businessman, investor, author, and philanthropist. He founded the fast-food restaurant chain Chick-fil-A. In 2007, Forbes magazine estimated Cathy’s net worth of $1.2 billion.
Finding a job takes time. As a Christian in the workforce, you have a special tool you can use every day during your job search. Consider how praying specifically and frequently can help you as you focus on the search as a spiritual matter.
Have you ever felt that God has stopped you in your tracks? You may have thought, and planned, and prayed about it, and believed that God was with you and for you. Then suddenly the rug was pulled out from under you feet.
What do Mark Cuban, Walt Disney, New York’s Mayor Bloomberg, Anna Wintour, Oprah, Madonna, Lee Iacocca and Coach Bill Belichick have in common? Before all of them became famous, successful and wealthy, they each experienced the same thing. They were fired.
Someone may be “born good” in a certain area, but they lack experience. They don’t have the crucial skills to go along with their innate ability. How does one, then, develop their talent?
Tom Brady is the most successful NFL quarterback in history. He holds nearly every major quarterback record, including passing yards, completions, touchdown passes, games started and most Pro Bowl selections.
Throughout the Bible we see God using the work of man to provide for man as well as to complete those things which God Himself ordains to be done
Did you get ripped off today? How about shouted down? Stuck in traffic? Something get broken at the house? A health issue came up? How do you respond when you have a bad day?