The beginning of the world sets our foundation for leadership. In Genesis we read the epic story of how we started. The Garden. The snake. The fall. The flood. Every origin narrative is a lesson that is more than history. We will draw on each chapter to find out how to live, love, worship and work. From ancient days to today, these timeless principles will fill you with a new perspective on your role and responsibility. Let there be… leaders!
You can listen to or watch our leadership talks on each lesson. We have prepared Learn, Live and Lead discussion guides for your time around the table.
The Beginning
Genesis 1
The Garden
Genesis 2
The Curse
Genesis 3
The Hope
Genesis 3
The Murder
Genesis 4
The Flood
Genesis 6-9
The Tower
Genesis 11, Genesis 9:1
The Chosen
Genesis 10:5, 11:1-4, Matthew 4:19
The Covenant
Genesis 15
The Favorite
Genesis 37, 39, 40
There are a number of avenues to go deeper and explore a bible topic for leadership that might be specific to your table group. Is it okay for a table leader to deviate from what is provided? Yes, of course!