Leadership Lessons from Nicola Tesla

Leadership Lessons from Nicola Tesla

Nicola Tesla (1856 – 1943) was an eccentric inventor. Tesla is the inventor of alternating current electricity, radar, x-ray photography, wireless communication, and solar power. His AC power is still the world standard for electricity to this day.

To Whom Honor Is Due

To Whom Honor Is Due

Honor means to hold with high respect or great esteem. On Veterans Day, we honor to those specifically who have served in the armed forces. But have you ever wondered how, exactly, you honor someone?

Are Some Leaders Evil?

Are Some Leaders Evil?

We are all born evil. We have what the Bible calls a “sin nature”—a predisposition to disobey God that has been passed down to every person starting with Adam and Eve. Their sin in the Garden of Eden separated them from a perfect relationship with God.