Dietrick Bonhoeffer (1906-1945) was a German pastor, theologian and anti-Nazi dissident. He was opposed to Hitler’s genocide of the Jews, and ran “underground seminaries” during the war. In 1943 he was imprisoned by the Gestapo. Bonhoeffer was executed in the spring of 1945.
Anxiety most often grows from lack of knowledge and/or control. It’s easy to be afraid of that which we don’t understand, or can’t foresee. The Bible addresses anxiety directly. We find at least three spiritual resources we can use to overcome anxiety in life and work.
Between the pandemic, inflation, supply chain issues, job hirings and downsizing, political and macroeconomic concerns, the stock market—just about everyone living today is a little bit burnt around the edges.
Pressure for a leader is the influences of persuasion, intimidation or circumstances that are trying to force the leader to do something. But the answer to pressure may surprise you.
Good decisions aren’t entirely logical, but they are also not overly emotional. The best balance tends to be more on the thoughtful side versus rational.
Patience is the recognition that things of value take time. One doesn’t become successful, or paint a masterpiece, or build a close-knit family, overnight. The response to the need for patience is persistence.
Welch was relentless in his desire to make GE leaner, tougher and more competitive. He advocated “survival of the fittest”.
When you give and receive encouragement, it helps to put these things into perspective, to manage disappointment, and to celebrate accomplishment when it does come. Encouragement strengthens an individual emotionally.
Learning to “read the room” is a crucial facet of leadership. To do this well, you need emotional intelligence. Your EQ is a crucial leadership skill you can fully develop.
Stress is common in leadership roles. Money, work, family, relationships, costs, job stability, health problems and more causes us stress constantly. Can your stressed be managed, or better yet, overcome?
A leader’s health is crucial for a leader’s success and longevity. Poor health habits rob leaders of the energy and presence of mind they need to carry out daily life and work. General health is a widely overlooked area for top leaders.
History books are filled with men who burned out, gave up, failed miserably or missed a critical opportunity because their leadership supply chain wasn’t working.
If you are constantly under stress, it’s costing you more than lost sleep and headaches. Over time, continued and ongoing stress can literally kill you.
“Do not be discouraged” is not just a motivational verse in Scripture, it is a command to recognize and deal with discouragement and depression in your life.
In some locations around the world, it would be dangerous, even deadly, to acknowledge that you are a Christ-follower. Faith-centered leadership has become increasingly risky.
On the surface the story of Job may seem a cruel game. A faithful man, he suffers greatly, questions God, and receives God’s pointed response. How should we lead when faced with trials and difficulty?