Distinguished Leadership Under Pressure


With more than 20 years of combined law enforcement, ministry, and executive leadership experience, Ryan Dunlap is an internationally recognized conflict management coach and educator.

He is a Certified Leadership Coach as well as the founder and Chief Conflict Officer at Conflictish, a conflict strategy firm dedicated to helping leaders improve how they lead themselves and others through conflict. He is the creator of The Real Tact Model®, a custom framework for developing conflict competency, a framework he has beent trusted to share withf leaders from organizations such as Chic-fil-A, Lodge Cast Iron, and Yale’s prestigious Berkley Seminary.

Ryan is a former SVU Detective, SWAT Hostage Negotiator, and Crisis Intervention Officer who has facilitated hundreds of high-stakes interviews, interrogations, and negotiations. As a Certified DCJS Instructor and Field Training Officer, Ryan has developed and facilitated training and development programs for hundreds of law enforcement personnel.

Click her for Conflictish, Ryan’s conflict consultancy.