Gene Mason is Vice President of Leadership Ministries. He is writer, speaker, teacher and leader, serving both nonprofit and marketplace organizations for over 35 years. Gene is an adoption and foster care advocate, with concentration in special needs and trauma-informed parenting. He and his wife, Keri, are parents of three adopted children.
Psychologists examined how people think, decide and take action. The result was a theory that “thinking is in itself not pure, but prone to error.” This is true of all people, resulting in everyone falling into the same cognitive errors.
Blink is a book about how we think without thinking, about choices that seem to be made in an instant-in the blink of an eye-that actually aren't as simple as they seem.
We’re overconfident. We seek out information that supports us and downplay information that doesn’t. We get distracted by short-term emotions. When it comes to making choices, it seems, our brains are flawed instruments.
What is it that makes some of us better—or worse—than others at committing to a choice? What are the forces that hold us back, and how can we successfully overcome them? Every facet of our lives depends on the decisions we make.
What if there was a better way to make quality decisions so you can think clearly, feel more confident, second-guess yourself less, and ultimately be more decisive and be more productive Making good decisions doesn't have to be guesswork.
Gene Mason