Gene Mason is Vice President of Operations for Leadership Ministries. He is writer, speaker, teacher and leader, serving both nonprofit and marketplace organizations for over 35 years. Gene is an adoption and foster care advocate, with concentration in special needs and trauma-informed parenting. He and his wife, Keri, are parents of three adopted children.
The selfless, brave, serving, chivalrous and kind men we aspired to be growing up have been largely replaced by a generation more self-involved, fragile and less grounded to an internal moral code. What happened?
Most people lead unhappy lives. How do you get from here to happy? In “the pursuit of happiness” there are many great activities you can do that will actually help you live happier.
We overlook the promises God makes with prayer. God says that He hears our prayers. God says that He answers and acts based on our prayers. Prayer indeed is a powerful and personal tool for a faith-centered leader.
Your time with your children on a daily basis shows them more than anything that they are valued. No friend, or interest, or goal, is going to give them greater sense of value than you will.
The idea of learning from someone more experienced than you, and then living that out by passing it on to the next generation, is the crux of mentoring. Having a mentor will greatly enhance your life and leadership.
As the clock strikes 12:00 on January 1, many men “take stock” of their lives and leadership during the New Year’s break. How might you invest your time and resources in the coming year to do something meaningful and memorable?