Are there times in your life where you were useful to the Kingdom, and times when you were useless? Mark Maynard encourages you to ask if you are useful, or useless.
Bob Day shares how our enemy will do anything he can to attack us at any time, using subtle words and language.
Bob Voyles unpacks grace, the unprovoked act of a loving God that allowed His Son to be sacrificed for us.
Brian Ranck gives an example of how people do suffer, and that suffering is something we must deal with.
Andrew Day unpacks how adversity in life and leadership enhances our capacity to lead.
For those who think they are way too old to worry about sexual sin… Lars Keeley says, “Where do you think we get the expression ‘dirty old man?’” Flee from sins of the flesh.
Colin White shares the importance of the words faith and faithful—and the combination of the two used in 2 Timothy 2.
Mark Maynard unpacks the commitment of the farmer as an example of the Christian’s worth ethic.
Chris White, Sr. talks about Paul’s example of the athlete and how Christ followers are qualified to be in life’s competition.
Lars Keeley explains a military slang term and why we should throw ourselves wholeheartedly to the challenge.
Mark Maynard reminds us that there are vessels that we eat from and vessels where we put the trash. In the same way we ourselves are vessels that either honor or dishonor God.
Andrew Day explains how your personal story can impact lives, based on 2 Timothy 2.
Bob Day explains how the enemy uses words as a roadblock or as a u-turn for people moving toward faith.
God is a self-motivated being, the source of all motion. Colin White explains how God causes motion in 2 Timothy 2.
Brian Ranck tells us that nobody wakes up and wants to suffer, but we must remain true to the mission.
Mark Maynard explains how hard work and commitment results in God’s blessing.
Chris White, Sr. details how Christians can compete to win in the game of life.
Bob Voyles unpacks the concept of sound teaching allowing us to pass on authentic faith to the next generation.
Mark Maynard explains that when Paul is talking to Timothy about leadership, he is also talking to us. We should be set aside for a special (spiritual) purpose.
We can live life with purpose when we identify with Christ as our leader, according to Andrew Day’s talk.
Colin walk talks about how leaders can show the grace of Christ in life and work.
Lars Keeley talks about what it means to flee sins of the flesh and pursue righteousness, from examples throughout the Bible.
Brian Ranck speaks on the trap of Christians who believe they deserve not to encounter suffering.
Mark Maynard explains what the Bible has to say about the lazy and the sluggish.
Chris White, Sr. talks about how our leadership begins by getting God’s perspective.
Lars Keeley unpacks Paul’s example of a soldier and how it is a picture of trust.
Bob Voyles speaks on passing on Bible teaching to trusted and reliable men, through the experience of Paul and Timothy.
Daniel DeCriscio shares how we learn about God and understanding Him fully through His Word.
Lars Keeley explains Paul’s instruction to Timothy to pursue righteousness with a vengeance—as an ongoing command, a way of life.