Mark Maynard unpacks the commitment of the farmer as an example of the Christian’s worth ethic.
Mark Maynard reminds us that there are vessels that we eat from and vessels where we put the trash. In the same way we ourselves are vessels that either honor or dishonor God.
Mark Maynard explains how hard work and commitment results in God’s blessing.
Mark Maynard explains that when Paul is talking to Timothy about leadership, he is also talking to us. We should be set aside for a special (spiritual) purpose.
Mark Maynard explains what the Bible has to say about the lazy and the sluggish.
Mark Maynard speaks on leadership qualities we can demonstrate in lives of faithfulness each day.
In this talk from Maynard, the hard-working farmer is an example Paul uses to teach Timothy about the commitment of a leader.
Mark Maynard talks about the Apostle Pauls’ great desire to be useful, and to not disqualify himself from being an effective servant of God.
Are there times in your life where you were useful to the Kingdom, and times when you were useless? Mark Maynard encourages you to ask if you are useful, or useless.