George Herman “Babe” Ruth (1895 – 1948) was a professional baseball player whose career spanned 22 seasons. He’s one of the greatest heroes in American culture and considered the greatest baseball player of all time.
Leadership is not a set of character traits. You can have integrity, honesty, initiative, compassion–any number of positive and godly personal values, and still not be a leader (though character and leadership are closely related).
How do you look at the world? Some see the problems first, while others see the opportunities. Scripture instructs that Christ-followers are to go through life as optimists.
What will you do of significance with the 80-or-so years you have? When we’re young we have all the time in the world. And once we realize that isn’t true, we never have enough left to do anything with it.
When a sculptor completes his work in clay, he prepares to make a mold of the piece so he can recreate it. He’ll have to do something to his artistic work to make this happen, and that is to cut it apart.
“What did the EKG say?” I asked the nurse. “Oh baby,” she said, “You’re having a heart attack!” This is a true story about being in the right place at the right time.
God tells us about Himself through His names. The Bible records some 900 names and titles of God in total, There are about 30 names that are specific to Him alone.
Aristotle (384-322 BC) was an ancient Greek philosopher. His writings cover a broad range of subjects spanning the natural sciences, philosophy, linguistics, economics, politics, psychology, and the arts.
A Christ-centered man looks for instruction in how to live, lead, interact and influence. The Bible contains practical instruction for life, family and business. But what about the prophecy in the Bible?
Leaders by nature want to win. They want to win the account, win the deal, win the quarter, win the best staff, win at products, win at service. This is why Jesus’ teaching for leaders to “love your enemies” is tremendously challenging.
A hack is a clever trick or shortcut for accomplishing something. There are hacks for smartphones and cooking and driving. What about in your leadership? Is being a good leader something that has hacks?
The key facet of leadership development—that is, investing in others for the purpose of seeing them exhibit excellence through their own lives and leadership—is “baked in” to New Testament teaching.
The table is an amazing leadership development platform. Our time at a Friday Morning Men’s Fellowship table is designed around three key words and actions that will help you grow in relational leadership.
As a leader, you’re not over a what, but a who. To lead is to influence others in a way that helps them grow personally, professionally and spiritually. Leadership is fundamentally about influencing people.
One trait we often look for in leaders is the ability to multitask. Smart, capable leaders can handle multiple tasks, priorities and decisions at once, right? No, actually, that’s wrong. There is a limit to the number of things any leaders can process at once.
Let’s face it, we all want to quit sometimes. In the midst of misery, despair, depression, failure, pain, surprise, problems, emergencies—we are all tempted to throw in the towel.
Salvation through Christ is a gift of grace. Christ Himself is described as “full of grace” (John 1:14). A common definition of grace as used throughout the Bible is undeserved favor.
Anxiety most often grows from lack of knowledge and/or control. It’s easy to be afraid of that which we don’t understand, or can’t foresee. The Bible addresses anxiety directly. We find at least three spiritual resources we can use to overcome anxiety in life and work.
In today’s culture, we bicker, feud and fight with other Christ-followers. Arguments among God’s people are commonplace. But we can never argue anyone into an understanding of God. At best, this is a spiritual tangent.
In leadership we might go out on a limb, try something new, give an idea a season. But when the result isn’t what we wanted or hoped for, our minds turn to the idea that we “need to get back”. Back the basics. Back to reality. Back to normal.
Is there a summary for us of the Christian faith? Is there a simple statement that a leader can read that brings all of what we believe as Christ-followers into focus? Jesus Himself summarized the teachings of God in a few words.
For a leader, deliverables can make or break overall performance. To confirm your role as a leader in your organization, on a regular basis you will have to bring deliverables on time, on budget, and of high quality, to meet the demands of clients and executives.
In life and work, leaders can often chase after ideas that have no truth in reality. Out of a desire to find a shortcut, or achieve a personal or professional goal, we can latch on to one or more lies of corporate culture.
Faith-centered leaders are challenged in our culture to live by their beliefs. They are called on to accept the ideologies of others that are diametrically opposed to what the Bible teaches. Jesus Himself spoke of this difficulty.
A leader’s character sets the tone for the organization. Generous leaders in these areas create a culture that is outwardly focused. Generosity can be a core principle of a business culture.
Fulfillment is the happiness or satisfaction that comes from developing one’s own abilities or character. A leader who knows his talents and skills are being put to good use and that he is growing personally and professionally has the mindset that he is stewarding his life well.
What will you do when opportunity knocks? Occasionally the unexpected comes along, something that might take us to a whole new level, or set an entirely different course for our career or family. Will you know what to do when a door opens?
Godly leadership is sorely needed in our current culture. Godly leaders aren’t those who are arrogant and desire to exercise power. Rather they possess sober judgment and a measure of faith.
This year Zoom will host 3.3 trillion meeting minutes. Zoom welcomes 300 million meeting participants each day. Even if you are back in the office full-time, you’ll likely engage online in a meeting with others on a regular basis.
Friday Morning Men’s Fellowship is where men gather to grow in their leadership capacity.
Leadership Ministries offers Radical Mentoring that will help you make the most of life's opportunities.
For those seeking direction for their lives— those who want to understand how to be right with God and to be at peace with the decisions of life, work and family, there can be no better guide than Paul’s words in Romans Chapter 12.
Today males have a difficult road moving from boys to men. Our culture struggles to even define a man, much less understand the unique and specific purposes for which God made him.
Prayer is the Christian’s lifeline to God, and with it lives are changed for eternity! E. M. Bounds knew the secrets of prayer and that God has established divine principles and promises for our every need.
The act of praying demands an impossibility that we request and Lewis’s insights on Christianity, reflections, and teachings are cultivated from essays, articles, letters, and his classic words in How to Pray.
Looking for help in their own leadership, entrepreneur Ryan Skoog, CEO Peter Greer, and executive advisor Cameron Doolittle set out to investigate how leaders pray. What do they say to God?
A.W. Tozer pointed out that the Church's greatest curse is unanswered prayer, and that many people do not seem bothered by that. Maybe they don't understand what answered prayer is all about.
For over 40 years, J. I. Packer's classic has been an important tool to help Christians around the world discover the wonder, the glory and the joy of knowing God.
Men just get this book. It seems to resonate with them. Men who don't read many books read this one and want to get it into the hands of others.
When you open this book, you’ll find that you aren’t just reading. No, you are being remade, reoriented, restored from the frustration of what you may have known as stale religion.
A compelling emotional and spiritual case against hurry and in favor of a slower, simpler way of life.
It's crazy, if you think about it. The God of the universe—the Creator of nitrogen and pine needles, galaxies and E-minor—loves us with a radical, unconditional, self-sacrificing love.
Do you pray as often and as bravely as you want to? Are you looking to strengthen your relationship with God and experience a deeper, more intentional prayer life?
The Bible is the infallible Word God. It is reliable. Good science and archaeology support its accuracy. We must follow God’s plan.
Bible teacher Kay Arthur’s inductive study method has helped millions of people discover the truth of God’s Word for themselves. This bestselling and dynamic guide, written with David Arthur and Pete De Lacy, invites readers of all levels of Bible literacy and learning to dive deeper into God’s promises.
With so many Bible translations available, how do you make a choice between them? How do you even know what the criteria should be for making a choice? Learn how we got our modern Bible in English.
How and when did the books of the Bible originate? In what sense are these books different from other books? How have these books been preserved and transmitted to us?
There is sweetness in the providence of God, whose "judgment is unsearchable" and whose "paths beyond tracing out", yet is committed and faithful to care for the most needy amongst his children.
It's easy for American Christians to forget how Jesus said his followers would actually live, what their new lifestyle would actually look like.
God has chosen to give His authority to men in various areas including the government, employment, the church and families. If we have a healthy understanding of the fear of the Lord, we will understand why God places authorities in our lives.
Contained in these pages is a warm-hearted, incisive, yet deeply substantial treatment of that most crucial of Christian doctrines, the depravity and powerlessness of mankind.
In this Christian classic, late pastor and evangelist A. W. Tozer brings the mystics to bear on modern spirituality, grieving the hustle and bustle and calling for a slow, steady gaze upon God.
Is the Bible true, or is it merely a collection of myths and legends? Explore extraordinary evidence revealing that the Bible is trustworthy from beginning to end.
Originally written in the seventeenth century by William Gurnall, this is among the most regarded Christian books ever written. This modern format contains 365 daily devotionals.
Right now, there is a real spiritual battle going on in the unseen realm. Every Christian must equip themselves against the forces of darkness. Victory is possible when we use the full armor of God described in Ephesians 6.
Dressed To Kill is considered by many to be a true classic on the subject of scriptural warfare. Questions at the end of each chapter will guide you into deeper study.
Respected scholar and speaker Larry Richards offers a balanced, evangelical-friendly approach to spiritual warfare based on the book of Ephesians.
The Bible is the most important book ever written. And yet we are separated from its authorship by millennia. To engage the Bible fully as a life-changing practice, we need to find our way into it and through it.
A concise, easy-to-understand guide to God's Word—giving you a helpful and memorable overview of all 66 books. For each book of the Bible, Know Your Bible provides data on the author and time frame, and more…
All human conflict originates from fear, and fear originates from a false view of God, ourselves, and others. Until we exchange what's false for what's real, we will never experience being fully alive, fully human, and fully free.
Learn the power of intentionality when it's a part of authentic community… the processes Jesus used and modeled, distilled and activated for the 21st century. Here's a way for more mature believers to find purpose and meaning as they move into the giving back season of life.
Groups meet weekly on various days in the mornings! Join us at a location near you…
Athens, GA (Fridays) • Full Cup Financial, 297 Prince Ave, Ste 15, 30601, John Keeble, (706-395-0757)
Lenox Park, GA (Fridays) • 1277 Lenox Park Boulevard, 30319, Todd Harlow (404-966-7340)
Dallas/Hiram, GA (Mondays) • 61 Depot Drive, 30141, Andy Korenak
Gwinnett, GA (Fridays) • 107 Technology Pkwy, 30092, Dave McMullen (404-255-2613)
Tucker, GA (Fridays) • 2367 Main Street, 30319, Tyler Refling (678-457-9882)
West End, GA (Fridays) • 1300 Joseph E Boone Blvd NW, 30314, Ben Davis (770-653-0048)
Brentwood, TN (Fridays) • Chesapeake Business Center, 1616 Westgate Cir, 37027, Tom Eberle, (615-419-5114)
Jesus does not sit on the sideline of our life, ready to come in to give His take on our challenges. He’s not there to tell us how great we are, and that if we try hard enough, and just believe in ourselves, we can win.