About the Speaker
Chris White has over 50 years of experience in leadership, from his service in the U.S. Navy, to IBM, and then to Executive Ministries and Leadership Companies. He is the Founder of Leadership Companies, whose mission since 1986 is developing leaders in the business and professional community. His passion is helping men find their unique calling in life.
The God we worship is strategic as the Bible contains His master plan for creation. Throughout Scripture God granted strategic foresight—the 30,000 foot view—to His leaders.
Our culture really doesn’t need more supermen. It needs men, real men, who know how to lead their businesses, their families and their marriages.
We all face decisions daily, and periodically more serious ones, that require contemplation and consideration before action.
Welch was relentless in his desire to make GE leaner, tougher and more competitive. He advocated “survival of the fittest”.
Successful leaders choose to do what they do. They are not successful because someone else pushed them into it. They are highly self-determined.
The idea of learning from someone more experienced than you, and then living that out by passing it on to the next generation, is the crux of mentoring. Having a mentor will greatly enhance your life and leadership.
Starting something new is an act of leadership. You will not successfully lead out in anything that you have no passion or heart to see accomplished.
What is really expected of someone in terms of worth ethic? The Bible speaks of our work from the Old to the New Testament. Proverbs 14:23 says, “In all toil there is profit, but mere talk tends only to poverty.”