Prayer is simply talking with God. In the Bible, we read of God’s leaders praying to Him through many different circumstances. Even Jesus prayed to God the Father. Prayer for the leader is a lifeline—the single most important means we have to connect directly to God at any time and for any reason.
At the end of the Old Testament, we find 12 short books which contain a series of uncomfortable warnings for God’s people. Through these teachings, God is reminding leaders of His commands, His consequences for wrongs, and His high standards. Each of these prophets of God is given a warning to convey, which we can readily apply to our lives and leadership today.
The New Testament book of Acts records the early days of the Christian faith. As Jesus goes back to heaven, His disciples step out from His shadow to lead on their own. From a few dozen they quickly grow to thousands. In this book we see pivotal moments in the lives of these leaders as they navigate success, struggle, deception, opposition and deliverance.
What does it mean in our time and culture to “take a stand” or to “be strong”, in a spiritual, personal and professional sense? Walk through this New Testament letter to find important leadership lessons you can employ in life and work.
The greatest leader of all—Jesus Christ—used a simple device to teach profound truths. Journey with us through the parables, short stories that each hold a meaningful lesson for leaders. Jesus used these fictional narratives to expose real-life principles that we can use every day.
The beginning of the world sets our foundation for leadership. In Genesis we read the epic story of how we started. From ancient days to today, these timeless principles will fill you with a new perspective on your role and responsibility.
Join us as we look at eight mighty kings—crowned leaders who will jump from the pages of history to teach us leadership lessons we can learn and apply today. This game of thrones is one you can learn to play and win!
Who has poured their life experience into yours, and how are you passing on your wisdom to others? Biblical mentoring can exponentially enhance your work, your marriage, your family, your friendships!
In this classic series of talks from 1 Thessalonians 4, Chris White Sr explains what it means to be set apart by God, and to live in holiness and purity as a leader.
The Lord’s Prayer contains powerful and practical instruction on communication with God, which also contributes to our leadership in life and relationships.
This book is history and not a fairy tale. Know and believe in the vastness of God’s love for this world. Even in the darkest moment, God has His leader the middle of it.
Ecclesiastes provides a distinct and successful philosophy of living life that is often the opposite of what the marketplace, the media, the world tell us is important.
In this classic series of talks from 1 Thessalonians 4, Chris White Sr explains what it means to be set apart by God, and to live in holiness and purity as a leader.