What if there was a kind of cold call that was 100% successful? A call that, every time you made it, something meaningful would occur? A cold call so powerful that a response is guaranteed?
In leadership we might go out on a limb, try something new, give an idea a season. But when the result isn’t what we wanted or hoped for, our minds turn to the idea that we “need to get back”. Back the basics. Back to reality. Back to normal.
Did you know that the word decision comes from the Latin word caedere, meaning “to cut off”? In other words, a decision will cut you off from other possible outcomes.
A lot of us identify with timidity because we work in places where the majority of the people around us are not Christians. Maybe they are even anti-Christian, and sometimes aggressively.
Great leaders have in common a practical approach to making progress on their important items each day. Step down one or more of these eight paths to greater productivity.
Theodore “Teddy” Roosevelt (1858-1919) was an American politician, stateman, conservationist, naturalist, historian and writer who served as the 26th President of the United States.
Every leader has a past they must deal with, and a future they may dream about. Though handling past and planning future are great opportunities for personal and professional growth, it’s the present—today—that holds the most promise…
Wrangling a table is the leader’s balance of freedom to talk and build relationships, and purposeful discussion that moves men toward personal, professional and spiritual growth. At a leadership development table, you’ll have to do some wrangling to keep the group on track.
One issue Christians have in responding to “woke” leadership is that some of it sounds vaguely like what Jesus would do. After all, Jesus did ransack the temple once, turning over the tables of money changers and railing against the religious profiteers of the time.